Who Is Considered A “Renovation Specialist”?

by | Apr 5, 2017 | About Renovations
Often when we want someone who really knows their “stuff” we turn to a specialist. A specialist is generally a person held in high regard for their workmanship or knowledge in a certain area. Our expectations of a specialist are high and the outcomes a specialist achieves are better than a person with a general overall knowledge of a topic.
So, with this in mind, who is considered a “renovation specialist”?
To answer this, we should look at the definitions of both words, “renovation” and “specialist”.
An online dictionary defines “renovate” as to restore to good condition, make new or as if new again, or repair. It can also mean to reinvigorate, refresh, or revive. It is used in the context of an object. The same dictionary describes a “specialist” as a person who concentrates primarily on a particular subject or activity, a person highly skilled in a specific and restricted field. So it fits to define a Renovation Specialist as a person, team or company who are highly skilled in reinvigorating an object.

Maintain To Profit Renovations have teams throughout New Zealand from Northland to Southland and everywhere in between of renovation specialists. Our people work day in and day out specifically on renovation projects. This constant exposure to renovations provides constant on the job training and helps us to create very strong teams of highly skilled renovators in the building field. It doesn’t matter whether you are looking to do just a bathroom renovation or a complete home renovation, we are the team for the job!
If your renovation uncovers an unknown hazard, a tricky situation, a migraine sized problem, you can rest assured that Maintain To Profit Renovations will have the expertise to fix the problem and keep your renovation on time and budget targets.
Depending on the size of your renovation, our team could come across issues such as structural weaknesses, issues with matching areas of old with new construction, insulation issues, moisture and weather tightness problems, borer, rot and mould, health risks, fire safety hazards, foundation and subfloor issues, flooring problems, roofing or cladding problems, internal walls or ceiling issues, plumbing or drainage or electrical hazards, illegal previous work or unpermitted modifications.
If reading that list made you shudder then you will be appreciating the need to engage a renovation company that have dealt with these types of issues a number of times and who have the experience and know how to rectify all of these problems.
Anyone can try to sell you on the reasons why they are suitable for your renovation project. Maintain To Profit Renovations do not feel that we need to sell ourselves. Have a look around our website, read our reviews, give us a call. We are more than happy to talk you through your project and any concerns you may have.
When you engage us you will have a team that is qualified for your job and insured to give you peace of mind. We pride ourselves in our forward thinking abilities. We have found that thinking ahead can solve many problems before they occur and save you cash. Our teams are problem solvers by nature. We constantly push to think outside the box and deliver a key turn solution. Your project will not be signed off as complete by us unless you are happy. We are not happy unless you are.
When you bring your project to us we will treat it as though it was our own personal project. When you engage us, you don’t need to worry about all the other contractors you might need to engage in order to get your job done. Maintain To Profit Renovations will carry out all of your building work. We can offer you advice and provide an initial estimate. This will allow you to consider the scope of your project against your budget. We will then organise everything from detailed costs, consents, building and sub-contractors right through to completion.
A renovation specialist is a person, team or company that you can trust. A renovation specialist will stand behind their work and their name and ensure that they work on your renovation project with pride.
If you are planning or even just thinking about a renovation project this year, give Renovation NZ a call on 0508 2 RENOVATE and talk to your local Renovation Specialist team!
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Renovate with Us
MTP Renovations are one of New Zealand’s leading renovating specialists, we have helped hundreds of satisfied clients - now its your turn!